Friday, June 01, 2007

LESSON PLANS: Simple Present VS. Present Progressive

AIM: To teach the positive and negative forms of the present progressive and to give written and spoken practice; additionally to provide ss with practice using yes/no questions with short answers

STAGE 1: Intro/Context
AIM: To establish ss interest and prior knowledge of target language (review of present simple)PROCEDURE:
  • discussion with ss. re their habits and daily routines
  • teacher describes her usual day "I wake up at 5:45 every morning. I take the GO Bus at 7:00...)
  • elicit similar daily stories from students; focusing on simple present

INTERACTION: Teacher to Class: Class to Teacher: Time: 3-5 minutes

STAGE 2: Review Activity
AIM: To review form and meaning of the simple present


  • either produce handouts or write on the board "Find Someone Who..."
  • ss interact with each other asking yes/no questions
  • ss read aloud their answers
  • teacher monitors and provides corrections when necessary

INTERACTION: pair work; then teacher to class: Time: 3 minutes

STAGE 3: Focus on Target Language
AIM: To explain the progressive tense to that ss can distinguish btw 2 tenses and correectly spell the 'ing' form of the verb


  • timelines are written out on the board to visually represent the simple present and the present progressive
  • show ss a picture of a crowded activity scene with a lot happening (the beach scene) and ask ss to describe the pictures
  • elicit present progressive ("a child is flying a kite" "a man is lying on the beach")
  • elicit correct forms and write on the board

INTERACTION: Teacher to Class Time: 5 minutes

STAGE 4. Boardwork
AIM: To provde ss with a written record of the target language


  • timelines are written on the board
  • subject+ am/is/are + ing form of the verb
  • spelling rules of the 'ing form of the verb in Azar p. 86; give ss handout after rules are explained
  • positive, negative and yes/no questions with short answers are written on the board
  • concept questions to make sure that ss know how to answer a short answer correctly
  • concept questions to check ss know the difference btw simple present and present progressive (ex. Does he do "x" everyday? Is it a habit or routine? Is he/she doing it right now?")

INTERACTION: Teacher to Class: Class to Teacher: Time: 5 minutes

STAGE 5: Controlled Practice
AIM: To give ss practice writing the correct form of 'ing' for the present progressive verb tenses.

PROCEDURE: provide handouts from Azar p. 86; have ss complete exercise 12.; take up answers in class

INTERACTION: Students alone or in pairs TIME: 5 minutes

STAGE 6: Activity
AIM: for ss to have practice speaking and correctly pronouncing the target language PROCEDURE: ss are given action pictures and must describe them to their partner; teacher monitors and assists where necessary.

INTERACTION: PAIR WORK Time: 3-5 minutes

STAGE 7: Controlled Practice
AIM: for ss to have practice writing the target language

PROCEDURE: ss are given a handout (Azar p. 93) and must choose btw. the present simple and present progressive tenses

INTERACTION: Students alone: TIME: 5 minutes

STAGE 8: Check Answers

AIM: for ss to have correct record of written assignment

PROCEDURE: ss take turns reading their answers to the assignment

INTERACTION: Teacher to Class: Time: 2 minutes

STAGE 9: Follow Up Activity
AIM: For ss to have authentic practice with target language


  • 2 teams are formed; and a representative from each must go to the board: They are the "Writers"
  • 1 student is picked to be the actor (each student will get a turn)
  • the actor mimes the action and the writers, taking hints and cues from his team, writes the action in a full sentence (He is swimming.)
  • The first "Writer" to have the sentence written down on the board correctly wins the point for the team.
  • For bonus points, the sentence is then written in the negative form. First correct response gets the point.
  • also use concept questions to elicit correct form of the short answer

INTERACTION: Group/Teamwork Time: 5 minutes


  • Stage1: 3-5 min
  • Stage 2: 3 min
  • Stage 3: 5 min
  • Stage 4: 5 min
  • Stage 5: 5 min
  • Stage 6: 3 min
  • Stage 7: 5 min
  • Stage 8: 2 min
  • Stage 9: 5 min

TOTAL: 38-40 minutes


  • yes/no questions: ss may try to say "yes, he's."
  • spelling of 'ing'; ss may be confused over the various spelling rules
  • ss may be confused as to when to use the present simple vs. the present progressive


  • for the yes/no questions, provide lots of written practice and explain the rules; ask yes no questions and listen for pronunciation
  • for 'ing' spelling problems, provide guided practice via an Azar gapfill
  • ask concept questions such as "Is this a habit or routine? Is it happening now?"

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Teaching Methods

In case my CELTA teachers google my work and find this site, it should be noted that the lesson plans here are original work, and that I am keeping them on my blog for my own records. For further information, email me at