Friday, July 15, 2005

Money, Money, Money ...

If your students have enjoyed filling in this questionnaire, why not introduce them to further English phrases and sayings about money.

Money can't buy me love - The Beatles
She's got diamonds on the soles of her shoes - Paul Simon
I steal from the rich to give to the poor - Robin Hood
It's a rich man's world!
Time is money
The National Lottery is a way of transferring money from the poor to the rich!
There's no such thing as a free lunch
The only free meal is the cheese in a mouse-trap
Money is the root of all evil
A fool and his money are soon parted
Money makes the world go round

Teaching Notes

1. Ask students for sayings, quotations and lines from songs about money in their own language

2. Write the sayings on the board in English and discuss each one in turn.

3.Show the students the English quotations. Discuss each one in turn then discuss any similarities and differences between these and those from their own language.

4. Students decide in pairs which advice is
- the most sensible- the most illogical- the advice they would most like to remember

5. Ideas for further discussion and debate
- giving to charities.- gambling, lotteries, living on credit - does it matter? - a government's responsibility to the poor- variable or fixed rate income tax- unemployment benefit- the financial problems of the young

6. Vocabulary - remind students of the saying 'Time is Money' - note how we use the same language for money and time:

- waste time/money- spend time/money- gain time/money- make time/money- run out of time /money- we say 'I can't afford the time'

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